GLN NumbersGLN image 2






We can supply Global Location Numbers or ‘GLN’s’ for short. GLNs are unique numbers. They are most commonly used to identify locations and trading partners within large retailers Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) sytems. Smaller retailers don’t use GLNs. One example of how GLNs are used is New Zealand Companies Office assigns each new company a GLN number.

GLNs are used as a location identifier. A few retailers internationally require these as a prerequisite for trading with them. If you require a GLN number you can purchase this below. GLNs are not on individual products hence you don’t need any barcode images.

Our barcodes shop is automated – so if you purchase this product, it will be automatically emailed to you within a few minutes.

  • Global Location Numbers (GLN)


    Some large companies may ask you to supply a GLN number for your company. GLN numbers are unique numbers used to identify a company in a retailers database. Each company that a retailer deals with will have a GLN which is unique.

    GLN numbers can be purchased here – as soon as we receive the order we will email you through your GLN Number.

    Buy a GLN number

    Quantity Price per GLN
    1 300 THB
    2 250 THB
    4 200 THB
    5 + 150 THB


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