The International Barcodes NetworkIBN Logo white nomember small 1


Barcodes Thailand belongs to The International Barcodes Network. This is a global network of barcode resellers dedicated to expanding the availability of reasonably priced barcodes worldwide. As part of this network we have access to far more information on barcodes than other resellers and can advise you on barcodes in specific countries. From Ireland to Australia, and just about every country in between, our barcodes are in use.

The International Barcodes Network has sold more than 600,000 barcode numbers to over 40,000 customers. We have customers in 120 countries. With 11 years experience in the barcode industry we are ideally placed to advise you on how best to implement barcodes on your product.

Our barcodes can be registered as part of our barcode service (for free) – this data goes to 7 online databases, with about 170 million products listed between them.